While loitering around VWwatercooled, I found a link to an Audi 90 IMSA GTO replica. Quite an impressive feat by the passionate owner, no doubt about it. Check out the all-metal wide-body and custom made wheels.
See all the build pictures here: http://www.audimotorsport.se/imsabyggetfoton.html
great….metal work. i would have made fiberglass version after, but thats just pref. However…the wheel sizing/fitment sucks, and the wheel style of the origonal was so great. still an awesome build
Thats an impressive amount of metal work, love the look of it just white and no stickers
Holy crap that’s immaculate metal work.
I remember when these cars ran at Watkins Glen in 1990. I was working for Audi US at the time. You have done an amazing job!
Two thumbs up!
Wow Great Job . gratz
German cars are really great in my opinion.