School’s in! V12 Diablo replica

Dave from Stance Is Everything must be the hardest working guy in the automotive blog network, every time I check his site there’s a bunch of new posts and updates, which is much more than I can say for myself! I remember reading an older post of his where he reminisced about the influence his old high school auto-shop teacher had on him, and I thought to myself how cool it would have been to have a teacher who was in to cars, let alone actually have auto-shop available as a class (my school never provided it). Fast-forward to last week, Dave put up a new post about the most recent work his old teacher has undertaken, a tube-frame Lamborghini Diablo replica powered by a BMW V12. Sure beats the usual Pontiac Fiero based replicas, talk about stepping it up!

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Miura Replica

I should be playing GT5 right now, but it’s been a bit too long since the last post for my liking, and I hate keeping you guys waiting. If you remember about 6 months ago I made two separate posts about some Miura builds that I had found after searching around the ‘net. Well, I still haven’t shaken that Miura obsession so another quick Google search led me to this replica build. It might not be the real thing, but you’ll be impressed when you see how much hard work the builders have put into this Fiero based replication, with plenty of attention given to the fiberglass body to ensure it fits perfectly over the beefed up framework. In my opinion all it needs is some more authentic wheels to compliment the quality in which the build was executed. Now, let me get back to GT5, because it’s the only way I’m going to get a Miura of my own!


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Lamborghini Miura

I was browsing Retro Rides today and came across this link. I’ve got a real soft spot for old exotics and the Lamborghini Miura is one of the most desirable cars from the early years of supercar development. This one has seen better days, but it wouldn’t be on this site if it wasn’t receiving some much needed love and attention.

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