Subaru powered Porsche Boxster

Following-on from the last build, here’s another Subaru powered build for your reading pleasure. The only difference is this time the turbocharged flat-4 isn’t sitting in the front of another Impreza, it’s in the back of a Porsche Boxster. This Boxster was bought with a blown motor, so the swap was intended from the get-go. The car is being built to be competitive on the circuit, while at the same time testing the reliability of the engine conversion for future public release.

Thanks to Ben for submitting. Wanna see more Porsche builds? Click here.


CLICK HERE for the full build thread.


11 thoughts on “Subaru powered Porsche Boxster”

  1. Huh… saw that car in the pits last time I was at Chuckwalla. No idea that it was Subaru-powered (never heard it run).

  2. that actually makes since to put a subaru engine into a porche and makes it slightly more badass haha

  3. Is it possible to find out all information needed about parts needed and directions for a boxster transaxle to Subaru engine’s very difficult to get any help

  4. Sorry Laurie but I can’t really help. I’d try signing up to the forum that the build thread is hosted on and try to contact the owner.

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