There seems to be a new trend on Youtube of people ripping off every image from a build thread (many of which are plucked from this site along with my post introductions) and uploading them as a slide-show in their entirety. They are generating thousands of views and reaping advertising dollars from other people’s hard work without so much as listing their source (unless they are forced to). I find this very opportunistic, dishonest, and downright rude.
I never once pretended to be an original content creator, but what I have never done is rip people off. Since 2009 this site has always been about being a ‘preview’ to a build thread, giving you – the reader – an introduction to the build and 10-20 summarised photos, before linking you to the original source if you are interested in reading more. The only exception to this rule was the F40LM restoration, of which I personally contacted the owner and asked his permission before re-posting his build here.
At the end of the day the decision is yours, but I hope you understand the difference between what I do, compared to what these (yes, there’s more than one) channels are doing. I hope you join me in celebrating the creators, the hard workers, and the people who care enough about what we love to stop mid-way through working on their car, bike or garage to take photos or video. One man who’s praises I’ll never stop singing in this regard is Jack Olsen, and he’s just released a new video about his ever-popular 12 Gauge Garage. So please, don’t take the lazy way out, find the real-deal guys and girls out there like Jack and make them the ones you give your attention, respect, and your views to.
Tag: jack olsen
1972 Porsche 911
Did you like the classic 911 sitting pretty in the last garage post I made about a month ago? If you did, then you’ll be pleased to know it gets tracked regularly and has a build thread of it’s own. A tonne of hard work took place to make it the gorgeous wide-body RSR clone that it is today, so be sure to check out the link at the bottom of the post for the full run-down.
My favourite garage
Time to get into another garage post. This garage caught my eye over a year ago when I was browsing The Garage Journal looking for big and expensive garages to feature. Instead, I found this gem, a garage that I would love to call my own and can realistically aspire to. Sure, it’s great to fantasize about the multi-million dollar dwellings that we’ve all seen online and imagine ourselves filling them with many exotica, but unfortunately for most of us, it is just that, a fantasy. The other characteristic I dislike about the ‘mega garages’ is that they appear clinical, sterile, and they lack a real ‘working’ vibe.
From the moment I first saw Jack’s garage it just resonated with me and the images were instantly burnt into my memory. The nostalgic look and feel, the unusual yet perfect choice of colours, the heavy cabinets, thick bench tops, even the vines growing over the outside wall above the door, it just ‘works’ and creates a wonderful garage atmosphere that can’t be achieved from simply ticking boxes in a catalogue. The other great thing about it is that the build was done on a budget, with many second-hand parts being used, combined with a lot of hard work by the owner.
When I get my own place and start looking for inspiration for my own garage, you can bet that the first place I’ll be visiting is Jack’s thread. Keep your eyes peeled for a future feature on the car that calls this garage it’s home. See below for more pictures + a link of the ’12 Guage Garage’ as it is dearly known.
Edit: The 12 Gauge Garage has it’s very own website, which you can visit here. Continue reading “My favourite garage”