The Restoration Garage

It’s no secret that I’m an avid reader of The Garage Journal. You’ll find that most of the garage builds on this site come from that very forum. One thing I love about GJ threads is that once the actual garage/shed is complete, the OP will continue to update the thread with their tinkering activity of choice,  so you never know what subject matter the thread will end up being about. But in this case, the garage is used for restoring and maintaining classic cars to a very high standard, perfect fodder for!

Click here for more garage builds.

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Build-Threads Project Garage: Plumbing & Driveway

Has it really been over a year since my last post about the then-completed Build Threads garage? I’m actually a bit stunned at that fact. I wish I could tell you that I’ve been cutting, grinding, and welding my days and nights away, but the truth is I’m still a little ways away from being able to do that. Let’s catch up with what’s been going on and why I’m not quite there yet.

Previous posts: Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 – Part 4

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Build-Threads Garage: Exterior sheeting & doors

I probably should have broken this up into two parts so as not to make it so long between posts, but now you get to see the garage go from a skeleton to complete in one go! In the last post, we had finalised the main framework, and it was now time to attach the wall and roof sheets. For this post I’m going to note how long the gaps were between construction, because it’s easy to think we knocked this up fairly quickly and easily. In reality we only had one day a week to work on it (Saturdays), and even then we could only work when my friends and I were available, so progress was quite slow as going weeks without working was quite common.

Part 1 – Part 2Part 3

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Build-Threads Garage: Framework begins!

And so begins Part 3! In the last post, the concrete had just been poured and the shed was delivered in pieces. When I first started dreaming up this garage, the plan was always to build it myself with the help of my dad and some mates. Why? Well, to keep the cost down, of course. But also because we can! Or so I thought. Once the shed was delivered and we got a feel for just how big it was and how many pieces there were, the thought of DIY started to become daunting. Also, I wanted the thing to be built as quickly as possible (who wouldn’t?), so the idea changed to outsourcing the work. Until…

Part 1Part 2

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Build-Threads Garage: Site Preparation & Shed Delivery

Here comes part two of the Build-Threads garage! In the last installment, I outlined my plans for the structure and gave you a bit of background of my garage history.

Now, we break ground!

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Build-Threads Garage: Introduction

To celebrate 10,000 likes on the Facebook page, I thought I would unveil the latest Build Threads project build. I think by the title you’ve guessed that it isn’t another car, but my very own garage! I’m fairly certain that this is something that all car and bike people dream of, and I’m no different in that regard. It’s been on my wish list for many years, probably ever since I started working on my own cars around 10 years ago.

Continue reading “Build-Threads Garage: Introduction”