Best. Roadtrip…Ever?

I’ve been keeping my eye on a particular build over at Piston Heads, and it was during one of my visits there that I decided to browse around and see what else I could find. My efforts payed off as soon as I came across this unbelievable road trip thread that instantly had me green with envy.

Umair, the proud owner of an NA MX5, partakes in what is known as the Petrolhead Nirvana Alpine Tour. It’s what a car enthusiasts dreams are made of; thrashing your own car day after day for more than a week on the best roads that Europe has to offer. Umair proves that you don’t have to be a millionaire to enjoy a trip like this, putting his humble roadster up against much more expensive machinery and taking away maximum satisfaction from the experience.

These images have to be seen to be believed, each one is like a postcard from automotive heaven. I urge you to follow the link to the full thread after the jump, there are even some video links scattered throughout it. My hat is well and truly tipped.

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Sharka NA Miata v2.0

From the ashes of a past flame rises a new love. Adam’s pride and joy was a ’97 Miata that met its maker after being rammed up the backside by an inconsiderate truck on the freeway. Instead of packing up and going home, a stock ’95 was purchased with the promise of rebuilding the vision of the original car, only better.

You know those kinds of build threads that are full of great photography, well-written narratives, and lots of DIY mods? This is one of those threads, I think I’ve read it front-to-back about 3 times now.

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NA MX5 overhaul

Dan has already had his garage featured here, so it was only fitting that I follow up with what he actually puts in it. Enter the NA MX5, loved the world over and enjoying a second wind of popularity in the current millennium. Dan gives his turbo terror an appearance overhaul DIY style, and it’s great to see that garage being put to use with all the work being done in-house. It looks like some professional photos were being taken for a magazine feature at the time of the last update, so hopefully the thread get’s updated soon with the results of the shoot.

UPDATE: Photoshoot images have been added, check after the jump to view.

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